
I'm trying to validate an access token obtained from azure active directory.

The I obtained the token from https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{my tennant guid}}/v2.0

however the issuer in the token that comes back is https://sts.windows.net//{{my tennant guid}}/ which doent match.

If I check that config at .well-known/openid-configuration the issuer is as expected https://login.microsoftonline.com/....

I've found a similar issue reported on git hub here https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/issues/560

the outcome from this is to manually edit the manifest json in the application registration in AAD and set "accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2

I've done this but it has made no difference.

I've also seen similar questions here on stack overflow but these are related to a difference in the tenancy guid - that is not the case here.

You edited the app registration manifest for the API right? That should change the token to v2..juunas
Yes I changed the manifest for both the client and the apiTwisted
Can you show the code you are using to acquire the token?juunas
I've just prepared an example token to post using jwt.io and the token now contains the expected issuer. eg login.microsoftonline.com. strangely the audience has changed from api://myapi to my clientId Guid. I havent changed any of my code since posting the question so I can only assume that setting "accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2 actually worked but took several hours to come into effect.Twisted

2 Answers


So seems that changing the acceptedTokenVersion to 2 in the manifest did change but it just took time to take effect.

And yes the audience is always the client id based on my tests in v2 tokens.


The issuer id looks ok at first glance - it is a logical url to represent the Azure AD identity.

Look at the JWT header and seeing if it contains a nonce value. These ones always seem to fail standard access token validation.

If so then using the v1 OAuth endpoints will probably fix it - though there may be alternative solutions. Worth posting a screenshot of the (sanitised) JWT contents.