I am trying to run a test in JMeter for about 15 threads/users with ramp up period of 1 seconds and Loop count of 1. My test is to take a survey which consists of answering a few questions located on various consecutive survey pages. When the survey taking starts, there is a unique id assigned to the session under the email_address variable. I am using '${__RandomString(7,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,)}' in User Defined Variable to assign email address dynamically. It is executing test only for one user probably the first user. Rest of them do not execute at all.
However, when I use Random Variable instead of User Defined Variables, then it works fine where the email address is given a dynamic value among the range that I specify. But for our tests, we need to use alphanumeric variables instead of just numeric variables.
Please assist.