hey i am thinking if i could make instance of a class with in itself...
My problem is that i ma creating 3D Spheres for planets & their moons whose data i am keeping in Object. I pass parameters to the constructor of my planet class for "Size" "Orbital Radius" "Texture" "Revolution Speed" etcetra. I Have to make another class for Moon's of Planets which is an exact duplicate of moon class.
I was thinking if i could make the class object within itself. Pass a parameter for list\array of Objects of itself to create and like for earth i will pass "1" to create one moon and as the moon will have the same constructor i will pass "0" for no moons of moon. to create.
Something like this
class Planet
Model u_sphere;
Texture2D u_texture;
//Other data members
List<Planet> Moons = new List<Planet>();
//Default Constructor
//Overloaded\Custom Constructor
Planet(Model m, Texture2D t, int moon_count)
u_sphere = m;
u_texture = t;
while(moon_count > 0)
Model moon_sphere = LoadMesh("moon.x");
Texture2D u_texture = LoadTexture("moon.bmp");
Planet temp = new Planet(moon_sphere,moon_texture,0);
//Others Getters & Setters
Is it some how possible?
or What is the best-practice\approach to this kind of problem?
p.s I am using C# & Microsoft X.N.A Framework
loop can be made simpler.) – Konrad Rudolph