I have set rules for our Firebase Storage to only allow authenticated users to interact with it.
rules_version = '2';
service firebase.storage {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /something/{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
However, when I browse the details of the assets saved in the storage in the Firebase Console, I do find for each of these, a link to open these publicly (when I open the details of a file), for example:
My guess is that this link is the downloadURL
and the public access is granted through the token
Therefore I understand that the storage content is actually not fully private because even if I set strong rules and even if I personally and my apps don't generate download URL, Firebase still generate automatically such url for each file and therefore, even if token are hard to find, the content is in any case accessible online publicly.
Is my understanding correct?
Or the link I found in thee Firebase console isn't the download url but a temporary link respectively the token provided by the console as an expiration life?
Or is it possible to set the Firebase Storage Bucket to not generate any download links ever?