I'm trying to eager load a polymorphic association while also paginating using the Kaminari gem:
@news_items = NewsItem.includes(:news_source).not_outdated
.where(:group_id => group_ids).order("created_at DESC").page(params[:page]).per(10)
I'm getting the error message:
ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError in Pages#dashboard
Showing 'BLAH BLAH'/dashboard.html.erb where line #49 raised: Can not eagerly load the polymorphic association :news_source
When I remove the Kaminari scope ( .page[:page]).per(10) ), then the error disappears.
Anyone have any ideas? This article suggests that eager loading with polymorphic associations is supported, but only if the conditions/order that might be applied to the Relation as a scope don't reference any other tables (if they do, then Rails uses the LEFT OUTER JOIN method for the eager loading which can't work on polymorphic associations). So: does Kaminari reference another table?
Would appreciate any advice!