I am having an scenario, where I need to show the slice value inside of the slice in pie chart. I am having more than 1 pie charts on my webpage. Below code is perfectly working but only for 1st Pie Chart and for others its throwing error as below, could you please help me to sort this out?
Error:: unCaught TypeError: cannot read the property 'data' of undefined.
var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
var dataset_obj = this.data.datasets;
for (var i=0;i<dataset_obj.length; i++){
var meta_obj = dataset_obj[i]._meta[i].data;
for (var j=0; j<meta_obj.length; j++){
var model =meta_obj[j]._model;
start_angle= model.startAngle;
end_angle = model.endAngle;
mid_angle =start_angle + ( end_angle -start_angle)/2;
mid_radius = model.innerRadius + (model.outerRadius -model.innerRadius)/2;
var x =mid_radius*math.cos(mid_angle);
var y = mid_radius*math.cos(mid_angle);
if (dataset_obj[i].data[j] != 0 && meta_obj[j].hidden != true){
ctx.fillText(dataset_obj[i].data[j], model.x+x, model.y+y);