I would like to set up Snowsql client so I can connct for the first time and run commands like PUT.
I dont know where to find exacte values of :
accountname = xxxx
username = xxxx
password = xxxx
When I run following command from Windows command prompt :
C:\Users\noureddine.ettalhi>snowsql -a ettalhi -u ettalhi
250001 (08001): Failed to connect to DB. Verify the account name is correct: ettalhi.snowflakecomputing.com:443. HTTP 403: Forbidden
If the error message is unclear, enable logging using -o log_level=DEBUG and see the log to find out the cause. Contact support for further help.
It kept saying the mentioned error. so what value should I give for account ?
where are the steps to follow to use SnowSql for the first time ?