I am starting with GRPC using go. I read the official docs, and few examples.
In most examples, you don't identify the client, but use the stream to read / write data. I see there is API in Context to retrieve auth info, and can indentify the client for the ChatRequest. But, what if I want to keep a reference / index to the Stream based on the client id.
For example,
say I have 3 users in a chat room. I represent the rpc as (it could be server-streaming as well)
rpc Chat(stream ChatRequest) returns (stream ChatResponse) {}
say, one user send a message to the group, which need to send to other 2. So, if I need to send it through the Stream currently opened for those users, how safe is to keep a reference of the stream.
The implementation will be like...
type chatServiceServer struct {
// keep a map of subscribers / users currently connected; protect with mutex
func (s *chatServiceServer) Chat(stream pb.ChatService_ChatServer) error {
// md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(stream.Context())
// p, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx)
// ... identify client from above
for {
// save the message to DB
// find other users in the chatroom is currently connected
// if so, stream.Send(m)
// else notify ....
But, I see the warnings in API doc and wonder a better way.
// It is safe to have a goroutine calling SendMsg and another goroutine
// calling RecvMsg on the same stream at the same time, but it is not safe
// to call SendMsg on the same stream in different goroutines.
SendMsg(m interface{}) error
Similar use case arise with any subscription (event, ....), and need to notify based on client id. Any example code, article would be great as well.
Thank you