I feel like I am doing something wrong, as I am not even managing to reproduce Haskell's lens
> import Control.Lens
> data Point = Point { _x :: Double, _y :: Double } deriving (Show)
> data Atom = Atom { _element :: String, _point :: Point } deriving (Show)
> point = lens _point (\atom newPoint -> atom { _point = newPoint })
> :t point
point :: Functor f => (Point -> f Point) -> Atom -> f Atom
> point :: Lens' Atom Point = lens _point (\atom newPoint -> atom { _point = newPoint })
<interactive>:6:10: error:
• Illegal polymorphic type: Lens' Atom Point
Perhaps you intended to use RankNTypes or Rank2Types
• In a pattern type signature: Lens' Atom Point
In the pattern: point :: Lens' Atom Point
In a pattern binding:
point :: Lens' Atom Point
= lens _point (\ atom newPoint -> atom {_point = newPoint})
> :set -XRankNTypes
> point :: Lens' Atom Point = lens _point (\atom newPoint -> atom { _point = newPoint })
<interactive>:8:29: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘(Point -> f0 Point) -> Atom -> f0 Atom’
with ‘forall (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(Point -> f Point) -> Atom -> f Atom’
Expected type: Lens' Atom Point
Actual type: (Point -> f0 Point) -> Atom -> f0 Atom
• In the expression:
lens _point (\ atom newPoint -> atom {_point = newPoint})
In a pattern binding:
point :: Lens' Atom Point
= lens _point (\ atom newPoint -> atom {_point = newPoint})
It certainly seems to be seeing some difference between f0
vs Functor f
My code here is no different from that in the tutorial though, and no amount of extensions appears to be saving me from as far as I can tell.
Would anyone have any pointers, perhaps?
in a one-liner instead. – Carl