I am using dotnet core (.NET Core) 3.1 with the IdentityServer4 package. I have an SPA that I wish to integrate with Identity Server 4 so I am going down the path of using the Authorization Code grant type using PKCE. I understand the basic idea of this grant type however I don't understand how to exchange the username/password for an Authorization Code. Here is how I understand it.
- The SPA makes a GET request to /authorize endpoint that looks something like
http://localhost:5000/connect/authorize?client_id=js&redirect_uri=http://localhost:5003/callback.html&response_type=code&scope=openid profile api1&state=8636d5233f77413584799be6cafe03a7&code_challenge=FbNm1tMkaRMzcSBv4_d5Rpq4VNaqyINVkCAcHsZkKV0&code_challenge_method=S256&response_mode=query
- This returns a 302 redirect to http://localhost:5000/Account/Login that I assume should be a login screen hosted by the auth server.
- The user submits their credentials, the auth server validates the credentials and returns another 302 redirect to the given redirect_url, http://localhost:5003/callback.html in this case. The redirect url should include the generated Authorization Code and provided State in the query string.
- The SPA validates the State and then makes a request to the /token endpoint that includes in the header: authorization=Basic Y2xpZW50OnNlY3JldA== and in the query string: grant_type=authorization_code, code=Authorization Code, redirect_uri=http://localhost/redirect
- The auth server returns a valid token.
I've done steps 1 and 2 (no UI yet but that's not important yet). Calling the /authorize is working. I'm getting a valid 302 response. Where I'm stuck is steps 3 and 4. Am I required to write an endpoint that generates an Authorization Code and returns the 302 redirect containing it or is this something that is already built into Identity Server 4 (like the /authorize and /token endpoints)?
I have mashed a number of examples I've found online including this one https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstarts/4_javascript_client.html. There doesn't seem to be any complete examples using this type of grant type. I have also included in my startup a few test resources, clients and users.
Thanks for any help you can provide to at least push me in the right direction.