I'm trying very simply to use in_array() to check a key is in an array and then echo its value.
$array = Array
[cart_item] => Array
[0] => Array
[product_name] => White Sakura Necktie
[id] => 11
[product_auto_id] => 556729685
[quantity] => 2
[product_regular_price] => 95
[product_sale_price] => 95
[product_image] => 556729680Black_Sakura_Necktie.jpg
[1] => Array
[product_name] => hhhad ba bhdbh
[id] => 10
[product_auto_id] => 951790801
[quantity] => 2
[product_regular_price] => 20
[product_sale_price] =>
[product_image] => 951790801hhhad_ba_bhdbh_.jpg
And I have value 556729685 which I want to check that this value exists or not? So I am using in_array() function for this.
in_array(556729685, array_keys($array));
in_array(556729685, array_values($array));
in_array(556729685, $array);
All above three i have used but result always showing NULL means blank.
I am really frustrated to find the solution. I don't understand what's happening.