Here is my step by step scenario:
- Create several posts using Gutenberg which can include any type of blocks/elements
- Create a page using Gutenberg
- Create a custom widget (called load-post-widget) in Gutenberg which on load will fetch a post content from existing posts display in the page.
- The load-post-widget upload loading the post content SHOULD be editable just like any other post content using Gutenberg editor mode.
However, i am unable to edit the fetched post content using the 'load-post-widget', I guess i am not sure how to return the post content so that Gutenberg treats it as an editable form. Kindly help.
Qn: How do i render any post.content.raw as a react Element which can be editable using Gutenberg.
Here is the sample code as in step 3:
registerBlockType( 'test/load-post-widget', {
title: 'Load Post Widget',
icon: 'smiley',
category: 'widgets',
edit: withSelect((select) => {
return { posts: select('core').getEntityRecords('postType', 'post')};
})(({ posts, className }) => {
if ( ! posts ) {
return 'Loading...';
if ( posts && posts.length === 0 ) {
return 'No posts';
let post = posts[0]; // hard coded as of now.
// Option 1: This does not make the rendered post content/blocks editable
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: post.content.raw } }></div>
} ),
} );