I have an application where I try to load an external SWF. So, we have:
- My application: The Stage's dimensions are 768x1280. ScaleMode = EXACT_FIT.
- External SWF: It's another application where its stage is: 800x600. ScaleMode = EXACT_FIT.
The problem is that the external SWF does not modify its size although I apply "scaleX, scaleY", change its width and so on. I also tried to insert it into a Canvas container (as "How to resize an external SWF to fit into a container?" ) but it didn't solve my problem. The interesting piece of code is when the external SWF is loaded by my application:
private function onLoadedApp( evt:Event ):void{
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
trace("Loading Application..");
var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = evt.target as LoaderInfo;
loaderInfo.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onLoadedApp);
var swfApplication:SpriteUIComponent = new SpriteUIComponent(evt.target.loader.content );
if( SWFContainer.width < swfApplication.explicitWidth ){
var coef:Number = SWFContainer.width/swfApplication.explicitWidth;
swfApplication.scaleX = coef;
swfApplication.scaleY = swfApplication.scaleX;
I also tried to do it through SWFLoader, but the external.swf's content doesn't change its original size although I add the "scaleContent" parameter.
Visual results I got:
The external SWF is loaded on the suitable position and it "seems" to have 320x240 dim. But its width is a bit cropped, since if I stretch the Flash Player I achieve to see the rest of the external swf's stage. Besides, the external SWF never is resized although I shrink/stretch the Flash Player. It always remains fixed (if I trace its dimensions, I always get 800x600, although I visually see 320x240)- If I increase the stage's width of the main application, this little clip dissapear.
I know the original Stage's dimensions are 800, and this is greater than the original stage of my application (768), but I think, when I do the resizing, external SWF's Stage have to be fitted in the container. It is fitted, but a part of the external SWF is not seen. It's like Flash Player remembered that the external SWF Stage's width were greater than my application's one...
Thanks in advance.