
I currently have a sub-route in a tab:


So when I'm in the sub-page, click another tab and come back, I'll see the sub-page where I was before (default behavior).

I want to make it always show root page (not sub-page) when I click the tab button.

I tried changing button params tab='mytab' to href='/mytab' -- it worked but causes page refresh every time it clicks.

<ion-tab-button href="/tabs/mytab">
  <ion-icon name="ios-list"></ion-icon>

Is there any other way to reach that?


1 Answers


Every time the tab is changed I navigate to its root page.

In my .html:

<ion-tabs #myTabs (ionTabsDidChange)="tabChanged()">
    // Your tab buttons

In my .ts

import {NavController, IonTabs } from '@ionic/angular';

@ViewChild('myTabs', {static: false}) myTabs: IonTabs;

constructor(private navCtrl: NavController) {}

tabChanged() {
  var currentTab: string = this.myTabs.getSelected();
  this.navCtrl.navigateRoot('tabs/' + currentTab);