I am working on an import runner for a new graph database.
It needs to work with:
Amazon Neptune - Gremlin implementation, has great infrastructure support in production, but a pain to work with locally, and does not support Cypher. No visualization tool provided.
Janusgraph - easy to work with locally as a Gremlin implementation, but requires heavy investment to support in production, hence using Amazon Neptune. No visualization tool provided.
Neo4j - Excellent visualization tool, Cypher language feels very familiar, even works with Gremlin clients, but requires heavy investment to support in production, and there appears to be no visualization tool that is anywhere nearly as good as the one found in Neo4j that works with Gremlin implementations.
So I am creating the graph where the Entity (Nodes/Verticies) have multiple Types (Labels), some being orthogonal to each other, as well as multi-dimensional.
For example, an Entity representing an order made online would be labeled as Order
, Online
, Spend
, Transaction
| Spend Chargeback
Transaction | Purchase Refund
Line | Sale Return
Zooming into the Spend
| Online Instore
Purchase | Order InstorePurchase
Sale | OnlineSale InstoreSale
In Neo4j and its Cypher query language, this proves to be very powerful for creating Relationships/Edges across multiple types without explicitly knowing what transaction_id
values are in the graph :
MATCH (a:Transaction), (b:Line)
WHERE a.transaction_id = b.transaction_id
MERGE (a)<-[edge:TRANSACTED_IN]-(b)
RETURN count(edge);
Problem is, Gremlin/Tinkerpop does not natively support multiple Labels for its Verticies.
Server implementations like AWS Neptune will support this using a delimiter eg. Order::Online::Spend::Transaction
and the Gremlin client does support it for a Neo4j server but I haven't been able to find an example where this works for JanusGraph.
Ultimately, I need to be able to run a Gremlin query equivalent to the Cypher one above:
.where("b", eq("a")).by("transaction_id")
So there are multiple questions here:
- Is there a way to make JanusGraph accept multiple vertex labels?
- If not possible, or this is not the best approach, should there be an additional vertex property containing a list of labels?
- In the case of option 2, should the label name be the high-level label (
) or the low-level label (Order