I'd like to containerise a client-server project I've been working on. The project structure is as follows:
├── client
│ ├── dist
│ ├── node_modules
│ ├── public
│ └── src
├── nginx
└── server
├── __pycache__
├── env
├── static
└── templates
The client is a VueJs app and the server is Flask.
I know I should build the Vue app using npm run build
and "somehow" copy the dist folder content into the server static and templates directories.
In addition I'd like to put the server behind uwsgi and Nginx for production.
I've followed this tutorial:
but it doesn't address how to serve the static Vue files (after they've been built). I did like the approach of using docker-compose (as the tutorial suggested) so I've followed it and now I have a docker-compose.yml in the root directory and 2 Dockerfile (for client and server)
The docker-compose.yml content is:
version: "3.7"
build: ./server
container_name: flask
restart: always
- 8080
build: ./client
container_name: nginx
restart: always
- "80:80"
The server Dockerfile:
# Use the Python3.7.2 image
FROM python:3.7.2-stretch
# Set the working directory to /app
# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
ADD . /app
# Install the dependencies
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# run the command to start uWSGI
CMD ["uwsgi", "app.ini"]
app.ini content:
wsgi-file = app.py
callable = app
socket = :8080
processes = 4
threads = 2
master = true
chmod-socket = 660
vacuum = true
die-on-term = true
client Dockerfile:
FROM node:lts-alpine as build-stage
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
# production stage
FROM nginx:stable-alpine as production-stage
COPY --from=build-stage /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
I thought maybe using shared volume between containers is a possible solution, but wasn't sure exactly if that's the way to go.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.