I wonder if ADAL.js works on ADFS and AD on-premise or not. Actually, I need to get the Id_Token of ADFS and pass it in the headers of SharePoint REST API.
following the acticle ADAL.js i found it using Azure parameters:
@property {string} tenant - Your target tenant.
* @property {string} clientId - Client ID assigned to your app by Azure Active Directory.
* @property {string} redirectUri - Endpoint at which you expect to receive tokens.Defaults to `window.location.href`.
* @property {string} instance - Azure Active Directory Instance.Defaults to `https://login.microsoftonline.com/`.
* @property {Array} endpoints - Collection of {Endpoint-ResourceId} used for automatically attaching tokens in webApi calls.
* @property {Boolean} popUp - Set this to true to enable login in a popup winodow instead of a full redirect.Defaults to `false`.
In fact am using Active directory and ADFS on-premise, As a developer, I don't have access to AD and ADFS neither, and is there a way to get the ID_token using user email only (in order to not oblige the user to set login and password)
So any one have a sample a way to do this ?