
I am having problem in transferring the live call. What I have to achieve is, Agent can transfer live call to IVR where IVR ask for rating "Please rate this call from 1-5" and then saves the rating via rest API.

Here is the first IVR where call is sent to flex

Here is the second IVR where flex agent should send the call

I know about Assignment Callback to redirect call to new Twiml document like

  "instruction": "redirect",
  "call_sid": "CA123456789",
  "url": "http://example.com/assignment_redirect",

How can I use this to redirect Call to Twilio studio again, In studio all are widgets.


1 Answers


This is only semi-possible right now.

Studio Flow executions are a bit different from normal webhooks that return TwiML, since they MUST be the first webhook hit by the call. (For voice calls, it is also a best practice to make sure the same Studio Webhook is configured as the secondary handler and call status handler for the phone number in question, which suggests that Studio is a bit more robust in how it operates than a typical TwiML App.)

The workaround is to use the <Dial> verb to create a new call to the Studio Flow that you wish to redirect to. This assumes that each Flow that handles incoming voice has its own phone number(s).

That said, I have been told that a feature request is underway for sometime in 2021 that would allow for different flows to be linked together, so this may change in the future.

I am not exactly sure how you specify a webhook for once the Flex agent is finished with the call -- it looks like you have already done some research into the TaskRouter functionality that enables this. But assuming you can specify a webhook URL (assignment_redirect in your example), all you should need to do is create a TwiML Bin containing your <Dial> verb to the satisfaction survey Studio flow you want to receive the call, and use that TwiML bin as the webhook URL.