I am creating a SSRS report
with oracle data source. I am passing multi-value parameter values as a filter to the Oracle dataset
. Below is the sample query,
where TO_DATE(F.CREATE_DATETIME) BETWEEN to_date(:startdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date(:enddate,'YYYY-MM-DD')
AND F.SUBTYPE IN (:subtype)
This query works when i pass a single value in :subtype parameter. When I passed multiple values I am getting no output. When Multiple values are in the parameter, its passed as a comma separated string. So i tried to split the string with below query. But getting Error in report processing.
select *from FIN.FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION F where TO_DATE(F.CREATE_DATETIME) BETWEEN to_date(:startdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date(:enddate,'YYYY-MM-DD') AND F.SUBTYPE IN ( select regexp_substr(replace(:subtype,'''', '"'),'[^,]+', 1, level) as txt
from dual connect BY regexp_substr(replace(:subtype,'''', '"'), '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null)