I've implemented a custom 'REQUEST' type authorizer for an API gateway which validates a JWT token passed in the 'Authorization' header. I've tested the lambda independently and it works as expected. I've also attached the authorizer to my routes and I can test it in the AWS console - again, everything seems to work (see image):
However, when I try to invoke my endpoints with the token in the Authorization
header, I always receive an UNAUTHORIZED response:
"errors": [
"category": "ClientError",
"detail": "Unauthorized",
"method": "GET",
"path": "/cases",
"requestId": "004eb254-a926-45ad-96a5-ce3527621c81",
"retryable": false
From what I have gathered, API gateway never invokes my Authorizer as i don't see any log events in its cloudwatch. I was able to enable cloudwatch logging of my API gateway, and the only log information I see is as follows:
| timestamp | message |
| 1578275720543 | (dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c) Extended Request Id: F2v9WFfiIAMF-9w= |
| 1578275720543 | (dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c) Unauthorized request: dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c |
| 1578275720543 | (dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c) Extended Request Id: F2v9WFfiIAMF-9w= |
| 1578275720544 | (dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c) Gateway response type: UNAUTHORIZED with status code: 401 |
| 1578275720544 | (dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c) Gateway response body: {"errors": [{"category": "ClientError","code": "UNAUTHORIZED","detail": "Unauthorized","method": "GET","path": "/cases","requestId": "dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c","retryable": false }]} |
| 1578275720544 | (dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c) Gateway response headers: {} |
| 1578275720544 | (dac0d4f6-1380-4049-bcee-bf776ca78e5c) Gateway response type: UNAUTHORIZED with status code: 401 |
At this point I am completely stuck and not sure how to debug this further. I'm assuming something must be configured wrong but the log information I can find doesn't given any indication of what the problem is. I've also pasted a copy of my authorizers configuration in the image below: