I have a data frame like this,
col1 col2
A 2
B 3
C 1
D 4
E 6
F 1
G 2
H 8
I 1
J 10
Now I want to create another column col3 with grouping all the col2 values which are under below 5 and keep col3 values as 1 to number of groups, so the final data frame would look like,
col1 col2 col3
A 2 1
B 3 1
C 1 1
D 4 1
E 6 2
F 1 2
G 2 2
H 8 3
I 1 3
J 10 4
I could do this comparing the the prev values with the current values and store into a list and make it the col3.
But the execution time will be huge in this case, so looking for some shortcuts/pythonic way to do it most efficiently.