I'm new to Office 365 and SharePoint, while I'm trying to create a SharePoint site using CSOM in .NET I've used Tenant like (var tenant = new Tenant(clientContext);) can someone explain what "Tenant" exactly is and what is the use of it in here. When I searched for it I learnt something like Tenant ID which Unique for each Company, but Tenant ID and Tenant in CSOM is different right? and also What is ClientContext? in my code I have used both ClientContext and Tenant to create a SharePoint Site.
using System;
using System.Security;
using Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantAdministration;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
namespace CreateSiteCollections
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Program Started!");
//Opens the Admin URL
using(ClientContext tenantContext=new ClientContext("https://developer19-admin.sharepoint.com/"))
//Authenticating with Tenant Admin
SecureString passWord = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in "passCode1".ToCharArray())
tenantContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials("[email protected]", passWord);
var tenant = new Tenant(tenantContext);
var siteCreationProperties = new SiteCreationProperties();
//New-Site URL
siteCreationProperties.Url = "https://developer19.sharepoint.com/sites/codesite";
//Titie of the Root Site
siteCreationProperties.Title = "Coded Site";
//Login Name
siteCreationProperties.Owner = "[email protected]";
//Template Copied from Team Site
siteCreationProperties.Template = "STS#0";
//Storage Limit in MB
siteCreationProperties.StorageMaximumLevel = 100;
//UserCode resourse Points Allowed
siteCreationProperties.UserCodeMaximumLevel = 50;
//Creates Site Collection
SpoOperation spo = tenant.CreateSite(siteCreationProperties);
//IsComplete to check if provisioning is Completed
tenantContext.Load(spo, i => i.IsComplete);
//Waits 30 Sec and tries again
Console.WriteLine("SiteCollection Created.");