I'm trying to learn elixir and phoenix off this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiP23mk760E&list=PLtTtLKRL6UYGxOHToRYnXBynon5plZ7Jd&index=2 which despite being fairly fresh seems to be outdated on some info. For example "mix phoenix.gen.html" got replaced with "mix phx.gen.html" and that's what i'm struggling with at the moment. In video is shown command:
mix phoenix.gen.html Post posts title:string body:text
But when i try to execute: mix phx.gen.html Post posts title:string body:text I'm getting an error starting with: "(Mix) Expected the schema, "posts", to be a valid module name" and i'm lost in here. I've read documentation for phx.gen.html but this didn't help me much as i have no idea what module should i use. I tried to use --no-context but this didn't help, i'm still getting the same error. Basically my question is: how to use phx.gen.html in order to let me continue with that tutorial.