I'm using the combobox from React Widgets as a search UI component.
I've put in a custom render item so that when you click a search result in the dropdown, you navigate to the relevant page.
However when you select a result, the name of the selected item goes into the text input, which isn't what a user will expect when they select a search result. I think they'd expect the search term to remain, or perhaps the input to be cleared.
I like the Combobox component and haven't found another UI widget that would do what I want, so I'd like to find a solution.
Is there some way to override the selection behaviour so that clicking a list item doesn't select it? I've tried setting the 'onSelect' property but this doesn't suppress the default selection behaviour, it just adds extra functionality.
Alternatively is there a way to manually set the selection to null? The docs don't seem to show anything. I tried getting the input node's value manually to '' with reactDOM, but the value didn't change. I would guess that the component controls it.
I've wrapped the Combobox in a functional component:
function Search(props) {
const onSelect = (value) => {
const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(Search._combobox);
const input = node.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
input.value = '';
return (
ref={(c) => Search._combobox = c}
If I set the value prop of the Combobox then it is impossible to type into it.
Any suggestions? Thank you.