I have 2 cloudformation templates - one that creates a kms key and the other template uses the kms key to encrypt a env variable used in the lambda function.
I wanted to know if there is a way to run the kms encrypt command from within the cloudformation as a prior step and then use the encrypted text for the environment variable while creating the lambda function.
aws kms encrypt --key-id <key-id-output-from-stack1> --plaintext fileb://file.txt --query CiphertextBlob --output text > fileoutput.txt
This command outputs the encrypted text and I would need to use this text in the lambda function for one of the environment variables as below.
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
CodeUri: s3://test.google.com/lambdas/09yu567943879
Handler: src/lambda.handler
FunctionName: !Ref GTMLambdaFunctionName
Runtime: nodejs10.x
MemorySize: !Ref GTMLambdaMemorySize
Timeout: !Ref GTMLambdaTimeout
AutoPublishAlias: prod
Role: !GetAtt GTMLambdaRole.Arn
KmsKeyArn: !ImportValue GTMKMSKeyArn
url: >-
**{insert encrypted text}**
tbl_prefix: gtm-
If this is not possible is there any recommendations on how to achieve this? Thanks in advance.