
I have a Win32 program that's built with VS2008, so my code is linked with MSVCR90.DLL and MSVCP90.DLL. However, it's also running code in a DLL (which I can't modify) that's been built with VS2005 and when code in that DLL prints to the clog stream it does it via MSVCR80.DLL and MSVCP80.DLL. Here's the problem: if I re-route std::clog in my code, I only affect code built against crt 9.0 libs, code using the older crt 8.0 wont have its output re-routed. So is there a way to re-route the clog stream in a DLL built against an older CRT?

I've investigated calling GetModuleHandle() and GetProcAddress() on the older CRT DLLs and have managed to re-route the C stderr stream (via _open_osfhandle and _dup2), however the C++ clog stream still seems to be unaffected. I think I also need to call ios_base::sync_with_stdio() in the older CRT lib but I couldn't get a valid address to that function. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



2 Answers


Build a helper DLL using VS2005 - This DLL should simply export some functions to do the setup you need for VS8 runtime.


Try also freopen... but this too might need to be called in the older CRT. Eric's suggestion of a helper DLL is massive overkill though, just use GetProcAddress to get a pointer to the VC8 version.

The most effective option is to redirect the standard streams when launching the process in the first place.

Another possibility is to delay-load the helper DLL, and perform the stream redirection before loading it. That way when MSVCRT80 loads, it will attach to the redirected stream.