
Region supported by azure ultra disks are as follows: East US 2 East US West US 2 SouthEast Asia North Europe West Europe UK South

Need to find an API (from management.azure.com) which gives these regions supported by ultra disks to be used in my code.


1 Answers


AFAIK you can right below powershell query to leverage ultra disks, you need to determine which availability zone you are in. Not every region supports every VM size with ultra disks. To determine if your region, zone, and VM size support ultra disks, run either of the following commands, make sure to replace the region, vmSize, and subscription values first:


$region = "southeastasia"
$vmSize = "Standard_E64s_v3"
(Get-AzComputeResourceSku | where {$_.Locations.Contains($region) -and ($_.Name -eq $vmSize) -and $_.LocationInfo[0].ZoneDetails.Count -gt 0})[0].LocationInfo[0].ZoneDetails


$subscription = "<yourSubID>"
$region = "<yourLocation>, example value is southeastasia"
$vmSize = "<yourVMSize>, example value is Standard_E64s_v3"

az vm list-skus --resource-type virtualMachines  --location $region --query "[?name=='$vmSize'].locationInfo[0].zoneDetails[0].Name" --subscription $subscription

I haven't tried it but you can try using api like below:

GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/locations/{location}/publishers/{publisherName}/artifacttypes/vmimage/offers/{offer}/skus?api-version=2019-03-01

and write query like below:

--query "[?name=='$vmSize'].locationInfo[0].zoneDetails[0].Name" --subscription $subscription

Try and see if it helps, feel free to tag me in your conversation.