
I'm currently setting up compute resourcequotas (cpu,memory requests & limits) for each of my namespaces. However, I haven't set it yet for kube-system namespace. I observed the cpu,memory consumption of kube-system in idle mode so I thought of putting the limits to 1vCPU & 1GiB but not sure it would be enough. what are your recommendations for setting up the compute resourequota for kube-system namespace?

thanks a lot

That depends, what kind of cluster do you have? how many pods are deployed? Could you post the output of your kubectl describe nodeMark Watney

1 Answers


I advise you not to put any limits to kube-system namespace.

The resources consumption depends on:

  • Cluster Size;
  • Number of Objects;
  • API Requests Load.

If you limit kube-system you can cause OOM-Killer to kill your control plane components or even delaying API requests because of insufficient CPU, causing instability when in production.