I have a conceptual question about data tables and objects passed into it.
Let's assume I have the normal data tables CRUD example from vuetify: https://codepen.io/rasenkantenstein/pen/MWYEvzK
ingName: 'Yogurt',
amount: 100,
measure: 'gramm'
ingName: 'Ice',
amount: 50,
measure: 'ml'
At line 65 (JS) I have created a new Object-Array with ingredients, so one dessert has at least one ingredient (or more).
I am struggling to implement this into the edit table. Also, I would like to output the ingredients (e.g. comma separated) inside the table (and somehow load them in the form).
Are objects like this at all editable with Vuetify datatables? Would it be a good approach to loop through the ingredients array for the pop up?