
I am new to AWS. First time I when created my AWS account, I created an AWS linux EC2 instance and connected to it via browser-based SSH connection. It was straight forward and there was no error. Then I terminate that instance and created a new Ubuntu instance. Now I can't connect to it like before. I got this error.

enter image description here

Why could this happen? Is this something to do with AMIs? or keypairs?

Does your instance have a public ip?Stargazer
@Stargazer Yes I hope so. I can see a IPv4 Public IPPathum Kalhan
Is port 22 open?Stargazer
@Stargazer Yes. In inbound section it is opend. But it is the only port opened.Pathum Kalhan
Are you using correct username? Note that ec2-user@... is for AWS Linux and ubuntu@... is for Ubuntu.Matus Dubrava

1 Answers


in some cases for new accounts, instance launch and termination can be throttled or delayed by aws to ensure no malicious activities, try again in 2 hours and hopefully, your issue will be solved.