I'm quite new to using LSTM in Pytorch, I'm trying to create a model that gets a tensor of size 42 and a sequence of 62.(so 62 tensor a of size 42 each). Which means that I have 62 tensors in a sequence. Each tensor is of size 42.(shape is [62,42]. Call this input tensor.
and I want to predict a tensor of 1 with a sequence of 8 (so size 1 tensor and 8 sequences) using this. Which means that there are 8 tensors in a sequence of size 1 each. Call this label tensor.
The connection between those tensors is this: Input tensor is made of columns: A1 A2 A3 ...... A42 While label tensor if more like: A3
What I’m trying to show is that if needed label tensor can be padded with zero in all places instead of the value of A3, so it can reach a length of 42.
How can I do this? since from what I'm reading from the Pytorch documentation I can only predict in the same ratio(1 point predict 1), while I want to predict from tensor of 42 with a sequence of 62 a tensor of 1 and sequence of 8. Is it doable? Do I need to pad the predicted tensor to size 42 from 1? Thanks!
a good solution will be using seq2seq for example