I'm a beginner at this and I'm struggeling with changing style for buefy elements. In perticular the buefy tabs.
In my component, I've got this style:
<style lang="scss" scoped>
// Import Bulma's core
@import "~bulma/sass/utilities/_all";
// Set your own stuff
$my-primary: red;
$link: red;
$colors: (
"primary": ($min-primary, $primary-invert)
$tabs-toggle-link-border-color: red;
$tabs-toggle-link-border-style: red;
$tabs-toggle-link-hover-background-color: red;
$tabs-toggle-link-hover-border-color: red;
$tabs-toggle-link-active-background-color: red;
$tabs-toggle-link-active-color: $link-invert !default;
// Import Bulma and Buefy styles
@import "~bulma";
@import "~buefy/src/scss/buefy";
And my tab is formatted like this:
<b-tabs type="is-toggle" size="is-medium" expanded>
The link color and the primary color are changed like expected. But the tabs remain in their original color.
There are two things I find strange:
- If I move this styling to App.vue and remove the "scoped" - the styling does not work. However - the primary color and the link color changes to purple (not turquise like I'd expected and wich it does if I just remove the $colors from within the component). I thought all styling added to App.vue would work in all components?
- Why does not the tabs change color? Have I got the wrong variables? How do I find the right variables? The variables used here is found in bulma/sass/components/tabs.sass.
Both node-sass and sass-loader are installed.
Hope somebody can make me feel a bit more enlightened :-)