
I have the table below.

enter image description here

In the first column, I placed the periods (or the number of instances; it works like an ID in this table). The table is named "LoanSchedule". $B$20 stores a date. In this case, I entered February 20, 2020. I have this formula in Column 2 to list the consecutive monthly date after $B$20. $B$18 stores the number of times payment is made in a year

=IF(AND([@[Payment Period]]<>"",$B$20<>"--"),IF($B$18=12,EOMONTH($B$20,ROW([@[Payment Period]])-ROW(LoanSchedule[[#Headers],[Payment Period]])-1)+DAY($B$20),"--"))

It works well if payment is monthly or $B$18 = 12. How can I modify the formula if Payment periods will be quarterly(4x year), yearly, or biweekly (26weeks), and list the corresponding months?

For example if I choose quarterly & $B$20 stays the same, the dates that will be displayed on the second column will be May 20, 2020; August 20, 2020, November 20, 2020, February 20, 2021, etc. if Biweekly, every 2 weeks. Thanks for any help.

You can perhaps try a formula like =DATE(YEAR($B$20),MONTH($B$20)+([@[Payment Period]]*(12/$B$18)),DAY($B$20)) for handling cases more than a month.shrivallabha.redij

1 Answers


You need to translate the entries in B18 (number of pmts per year), and the payment period, into the number of months or days to add to the original date.

I translated {1,4,12} using a lookup table with vlookup, handling 26 separately for the 14 day interval (2 weeks).

I chose this method because merely dividing 12/$B$18 would require a more complex formula should the result of the division not be an integer, since payments would then not be at monthly intervals

=IF($B$18=26,$B$20+14*[@[Payment Period]],
EDATE($B$20,VLOOKUP($B$18,{1,12;4,3;12,1},2,FALSE)*[@[Payment Period]]))

B18 = 12

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