I have the table below.
In the first column, I placed the periods (or the number of instances; it works like an ID in this table). The table is named "LoanSchedule". $B$20 stores a date. In this case, I entered February 20, 2020. I have this formula in Column 2 to list the consecutive monthly date after $B$20. $B$18 stores the number of times payment is made in a year
=IF(AND([@[Payment Period]]<>"",$B$20<>"--"),IF($B$18=12,EOMONTH($B$20,ROW([@[Payment Period]])-ROW(LoanSchedule[[#Headers],[Payment Period]])-1)+DAY($B$20),"--"))
It works well if payment is monthly or $B$18 = 12. How can I modify the formula if Payment periods will be quarterly(4x year), yearly, or biweekly (26weeks), and list the corresponding months?
For example if I choose quarterly & $B$20 stays the same, the dates that will be displayed on the second column will be May 20, 2020; August 20, 2020, November 20, 2020, February 20, 2021, etc. if Biweekly, every 2 weeks. Thanks for any help.
=DATE(YEAR($B$20),MONTH($B$20)+([@[Payment Period]]*(12/$B$18)),DAY($B$20))
for handling cases more than a month. – shrivallabha.redij