
I've the following rml in my sale order template:

 [[ repeatIn(o.order_line, 'l') ]]
<blockTable colWidths="250.0,92.0,21.0,80.0,85.0" style="T&#xE1;bl&#xE1;zat2">
      <para style="P13">[[ l.name ]]</para>
      <para style="terp_default_Right_9">[[ formatLang(l.product_uos and l.product_uos_qty or l.product_uom_qty, digits=0) ]] </para>
      <para style="P13">[[ l.product_uos and l.product_uos.name or l.product_uom.name ]]</para>
      <para style="P9">[[ formatLang(l.price_unit, digits=0 ) ]] [[ o.pricelist_id.currency_id.name ]]</para>
      <para style="P9">[[ formatLang(l.price_subtotal, digits=0) ]] [[ o.pricelist_id.currency_id.name ]]</para>

<para style="P15">
  [[ l.product_id.description_sale ]]

<image height="260" width="520">[[ o.state=='draft' and get_product_attachment(1, l.product_id) or removeParentNode('image')]]</image>


(There are many such image tags with different indexes. I've just stripped the code.)

then my report generator defines

def get_product_attachment(self, index, product):
    context = {}
    attach = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').search(self.cr, self.uid, [('res_id','=',product.id), ('name','ilike', 'pict%d' % index)])
    attach = attach and self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(self.cr, self.uid, attach[0]) or False
    if attach:
        print 'a', product.id, index, attach, attach.datas[:30]
        return attach.datas
        return False

all this seems to work fine, the print statement shows different results, but not the final pdf!

in the pdf all the images are the same for a given index.

Any ideas?

This was recognised as a bug in openerp and is already fixed.Akasha

2 Answers


I had the same problem.

I replaced:

<image width='6cm' height='6cm'>[[ item['image'] ]]</image>


<para>[[ item['image'] and setTag('para','image',{'width':'6cm','height':'6cm'}) ]][[ item['image'] ]]</para>

and my problem was solved.

Translated to your problem it should be something like:

<para>[[ o.state=='draft' and get_product_attachment(1, l.product_id) and  setTag('para','image',{'width':'260','height':'510'})]][[get_product_attachment(1, l.product_id)]]</image>

(this probably contains a lot of bugs, rml isn't my specialty, but with some debugging this should be able to work)


This was recognised as a bug in openerp and is already fixed.