I am trying to successful complete a spotify auth flow in postman, where I get an access token, and make a request to create a new playlist.
So the first step is making a get request to the auth url, logging in, and getting an access token. My current auth url looks like this:
Where I have my client_id, response_type, redirect_uri, and scope.
If I go to that URL and log in, It redirects to my site with access token in the url:
So my access_token value is
If I make a postman request to '' with the correct data and token set as the bearer token in the authorization tab I get a 404 error.
I tried running the api line online here too and got a 404 error in the inspect element console as well:
is there some other way I could test my auth? the fact that im getting a 404 error on both the spotify site and my postman test confuses me