
Laravel 6

There are 2 possible scenario:

  1. Logged in user connect to Google account
  2. Guest user connect to Google account (will create a new user if not exists)

Let's talk about the first scenario

In my routes/web.php, no middleware

Route::get('connect/{provider}', [ConnectController::class, 'connect'])
Route::get('connect/{provider}/callback', [ConnectController::class, 'callback'])

In ConnectController.php

class ConnectController extends Controller
    public function connect(Request $request, $provider)
        $scopes = config('services.google.scopes');

        // dump(auth('customer')->user()); <------- this 1 has value

        return Socialite::driver($provider)

    public function callback(Request $request, $provider)
        $oauthUser = Socialite::driver($provider)->stateless()->user();

        $user = auth('customer')->user();
        debugbar()->log('callback user: ' . ($user->name ?? 'null'));

        // ...

        if (!auth('customer')->check()) {
            debugbar()->log('user not logged in, log in now: ' . $u->name);
        return redirect()->route('accounts');

Then the debugbar output is

log callback user: null

Suppose the user is logged in, and try to connect with google, but when reached the callback, the user session gone. What am I missing?

P/S: The default auth driver is admin, cannot be changed.


1 Answers


After a day of research, I found out that the session ID is different from before navigate out to Google, and in the callback request.

Just update config/session.php, and set to lax (originally was strict)

    // ...
    'same_site' => 'lax',