I have a little app I'm using to scrape data from online articles.
Currently, I am trying to figure out how to edit the migration scripts from Flask-migrate so I don't have to delete all the migration data and the SQlite database then re-scrape the data every time I edit the schema!
Of course, when I edit the models, delete everything, re-init, and scrape the data again, the database adapts just fine. But when I try to edit it manually, it runs the upgrade but I see no change in the data.
Examples below...
Migration script:
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.add_column('article', sa.Column('example', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True))
# ### end Alembic commands ###
I've also tried adding this to populate it with data, but of course it hasn't been successful since the column doesn't exist (correct me if I'm missing something):
from datetime import datetime
def upgrade():
op.execute("UPDATE article SET example = datetime.utcnow()") # (new scraped data would get a new
# timestamp but this would be fine
# for old data for my purposes)
I'm pretty new to SQL and its frameworks but I did both of these with and without indexing just in case that matters. The upgrade appears to run fine in either case:
(venv) Files\app> flask db upgrade
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 2177b1c9ee45 -> 6c61158ea270, empty message
(venv) Files\app>
But when I query on the command line with Flask-SQLAlchemy:
>>> from app.models import Article
>>> arts = Article.query.all()
>>> arts[0]
<Example Article: "Title" (2018)> ##(Valid __repr__ of the model)
>>> arts[0].time_added
datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 25, 9, 23, 43, 331296) ##(achieved this by deleting and restarting db from scratch)
>>> arts[0].example
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Article' object has no attribute 'example'
I don't know what is wrong with the upgrade, but something must be, because the downgrade gives me an error:
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running downgrade 6c61158ea270 -> 2177b1c9ee45, empty message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\desktop\projects\site\app\venv\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 1246, in _execute_context
cursor, statement, parameters, context
File "c:\desktop\projects\site\app\venv\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\default.py", line 581, in do_execute
cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) near "DROP": syntax error
[SQL: ALTER TABLE article DROP COLUMN example]
The downgrade function is pretty simple so the column must never have been created:
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.drop_column('article', 'example')
# ### end Alembic commands ###
Can someone please help me understand how to use Alembic in Flask-migrate migration scripts to customize database upgrades?
Alternatively, is there something wrong with the way I'm using op.execute("UPDATE table SET column = values")
Forgot to mention, here is the line from the model:
example = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow())
Also, changing the upgrade and downgrade manually wasn't effective:
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
# ### end Alembic commands ###
op.execute('UPDATE article SET example = datetime.utcnow()')
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.execute('UPDATE article SET example=Null')
# ### end Alembic commands ###
from app.models import set_time ### (set_time is just datetime.utcnow() but I
### thought it might work to import it
### from elsewhere -- it didn't
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
# ### end Alembic commands ###
op.execute("UPDATE 'article' SET 'example' = VALUES (?)", (set_time)) #*
### (*Importing set_time from elsewhere
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.execute("UPDATE 'article' SET 'example'=Null")
# ### end Alembic commands ###
I keep getting this error:
TypeError: execution_options() argument after ** must be a mapping, not str
It appears there must be a format for passing a Python variable into an Alembic SQL query that I am unaware of. Searching now.
ANOTHER EDIT (Sorry for so many):
The following just tells me that article
(the table name) is undefined. Help with syntax?
connection = op.get_bind()
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
# ### end Alembic commands ###
article.update().values({"example": set_time})
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!!
alembic upgrade head
. Are you adding the column definition to the Python model? – snakecharmerbalembic upgrade head
. Do I enter this into the command line? – Peter Charlandflask db migrate
(creates the alembic migration script) andflask db upgrade
(uses the script to update the database). (Which I did, so it should be working... if you see my edits above, I believe at this point I just need to figure out the syntax to use in alembic for passing a datetime value into the SQL.) – Peter Charland