Hope my message finds you well,
I had inherited a odoo model (product.attribute) and also had overridden a field (display_type).
class darazProductAttributes(models.Model):
_inherit = "product.attribute"
display_type = fields.Selection([
('text', 'Text'),
('radio', 'Radio'),
('select', 'Select'),
('color', 'Color')], default='radio', required=True, help="The display type used in the Product Configurator.")
i had added one more option (text) in field.Now the selection of option field it loads product.attribute.lines model form basically it have a onchange method.Odoo shows me that display_type have a onchange but odoo don't show method name.
So i want to override that function.
when inheriting a selection field to add only the new options – Kenly