
I am using REST call to connect to azure keyvault from my app deployed on azure VM. Code below:

// msiEndpoint:

URL url = new URL (msiEndpoint);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("Metadata", "true");
if (Keyvault.HTTPS_SUCCESS_CODE != con.getResponseCode()) {
throw new Exception("Error calling managed identity token endpoint.");
} else {
InputStream responseStream = con.getInputStream();  
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Token token = objectMapper.readValue(responseStream, Token.class);
accessToken = token.getAccess_token();

to retrieve the value accessToken where Token is an inner private static class with variables:

private String access_token = null;
private String expires_in = null;
private String token_type = null;

This code when deployed on azure VM connects fine and is able to retrieve secrets. But when I try to run it locally it cannot connect to keyvault in absence of MSI. I am using a user assigned identity here with which I would like to know how to establish the connection here. or any other way of doing it from code itself. Thanks !!!


1 Answers


Azure Managed Service identity either system assigned or user assigned are applicable to resources/applications that are running on azure.

For local development you would need to use the azure keyvault URL and credentials to access keys or secrets on azure keyvault.

Azure managed service identities

Azure key vault libraries for Java