
I'm new to this. Currently, I am trying to plot my memory consumption for my server. I'm using Gnuplot and getting stuck at

warning: Skipping data file with no valid points Can't plot with an empty x range!

set title "Memory Growth" font ",20" textcolor lt 2
set xdata time
set timefmt "%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S"
set format x "%m-%d-%y\t%H:%M:%S"
set xrange ["12/18/19":"12/24/19"]
set format y '%.0s%cB'
set xlabel "Time"
set xtics rotate by -270 
set xtics out offset 0,-1.0
set ylabel "Memory (GB)"
set datafile separator "\,"
plot    'TRDFDSERVER19_System Monitor Log.csv' using 1:2 title '19\ProcessPrivate,Bytes' with line,\
        'TRDFDSERVER19_System Monitor Log.csv' using 1:3 title '19\ProcessVirtual Bytes' with line,\
        'TRDFDSERVER19_System Monitor Log.csv' using 1:4 title '19\ProcessPrivate Bytes' with line,\
        'TRDFDSERVER19_System Monitor Log.csv' using 1:5 title '19\ProcessVirtual Bytes' with line

Example input

12/18/2019 06:29:30.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:31.030,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:32.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:33.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:34.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:35.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:36.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:37.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:38.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:39.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:40.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:41.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960
12/18/2019 06:29:42.029,1699074048,2442911744,102342656,831528960

Edit ^ all points y value undefined!

After the problem above is fixed. Now, i got "Y value" undefine. Any suggestion. Thanks


2 Answers


You have a wrong time format, according to your data it should be

set timefmt "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"

if you have the format "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" then you should set the range accordingly:

Instead of

set xrange ["12/18/19":"12/24/19"]

you should set

set xrange ["12/18/2019":"12/24/2019"]