
For our application, we using SQL Server 2000 & MySQL. I want to update the MySQL database if any modifications in SQL Server 2000. For this, I have created the Linked Server for MySQL. It works fine, but inside the trigger it shows the error message like

[OLE/DB provider returned message: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Optional feature not supported]
Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Procedure , Line 6
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' was unable to begin a distributed transaction."

And this is my trigger,

alter trigger upd_test_enum
on mtest
for insert
   insert into emsdev...test_enum (id, name, is_active) values (4, 'Test4', 0)

Please help me.

Regard, Mubarak

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1 Answers


I had to do a few things to get it working. Also using a Win2K SQL server and importing data from MySql.

One thing we did was to install the 3.51.22 version of the MySql ODBC driver (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.22-win32.msi).

Then the following article was very helpful: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic340912-146-1.aspx

The main thing was to switch off transactions as well as to refer to the DSN when creating a Linked Server. For ease of reference I'll copy and paste the instructions from the SQLServerCentral article in this post below:

Creating a Linked Server in SSMS for a MySQL database

  1. Download the MySQL ODBC driver from mysql.com
  2. Install MySQL ODBC driver on Server where SQL Server resides -Double Click Windows Installer file and follow directions.

  3. Create a DSN using the MySQL ODBC driver Start-> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) -Click on the System DSN tab -Click Add -Select the MySQL ODBC Driver -Click Finish On the Login Tab: -Type a descriptive name for your DSN. -Type the server name or IP Address into the Server text box. -Type the username needed to connect to the MySQL database into the user text box. -Type the password needed to connect to the MySQL database into the password text box. -Select the database you'd like to start in. On the Advance Tab: Under Flags 1: -Check Don't Optimize column width. -Check Return Matching Rows -Check Allow Big Results -Check Use Compressed protocol -Check BIGINT columns to INT -Check Safe Under Flags 2: -Check Don't Prompt Upon Connect -Check Ignore # in Table Name Under Flags 3: -Check Return Table Names for SQLDescribeCol -Check Disable Transactions Now Test your DSN by Clicking the Test button

  4. Create a Linked Server in SSMS for the MySQL database SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio -> Expand Server Objects -Right Click Linked Servers -> Select New Linked Server On the General Page: -Linked Server: Type the Name for your Linked Server -Server Type: Select Other Data Source -Provider: Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers -Product name: Type MySQLDatabase -Data Source: Type the name of the DSN you created On The Security Page -Map a login to the Remote User and provide the Remote Users Password -Click Add under Local server login to remote server login mappings: -Select a Local Login From the drop down box -Type the name of the Remote User -Type the password for the Remote User

  5. Change the Properties of the Provider MSDASQL Expand Providers -> Right Click MSDASQL -> Select Properties -Enable Nested queries -Enable Level zero only (this one's the kicker) -Enable Allow inprocess -Enable Supports 'Like' operator

  6. Change settings in SQL Server Surface Area Configuration for Features -Enable OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE support.

  7. Change settings in SQL Server Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections -Enable Local and Remote connections via TCP/IP and named pipes

  8. Stop SQL Server and SQL Server Agent

  9. Start SQL Server and SQL Server Agent

I didn't find I needed to restart the SQL server.