
I am creating autoscaling launch configuration via AWS CLI with this command

aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration --launch-configuration-name mylaunchconfig --key-name mykeypair --image-id ami-12345678589d597d1 --security-groups My-Private-SG --instance-type t3a.small

While executing this command I'm getting this error

An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateLaunchConfiguration operation: The security group 'My-Private-SG' does not exist in default VPC 'vpc-abce07df'

However, there is no option available to specify VPC ID in CLI

aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration help

      --launch-configuration-name <value>
      [--image-id <value>]
      [--key-name <value>]
      [--security-groups <value>]
      [--classic-link-vpc-id <value>]
      [--classic-link-vpc-security-groups <value>]
      [--user-data <value>]
      [--instance-id <value>]
      [--instance-type <value>]
      [--kernel-id <value>]
      [--ramdisk-id <value>]
      [--block-device-mappings <value>]
      [--instance-monitoring <value>]
      [--spot-price <value>]
      [--iam-instance-profile <value>]
      [--ebs-optimized | --no-ebs-optimized]
      [--associate-public-ip-address | --no-associate-public-ip-address]
      [--placement-tenancy <value>]
      [--cli-input-json <value>]
      [--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]

How can I create launch configuration along with specifying security group exists in non-default VPC.

Thanks in advance.


1 Answers


You should specify the security-groupId instead of name. The security-groupId is generated by aws.

your command should be something like below:

aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration --launch-configuration-name mylaunchconfig --key-name mykeypair --image-id ami-12345678589d597d1 --security-groups sg-xxxxxxxx --instance-type t3a.small

where sg-xxxxxxxx is your security-groupId.