I am developing an oculus Home like project where i am facing a problem of object passes through walls and other objects. The scene is described as, Ialt texthave an object that has Box Collider and an Rigidbody (Gravity false , Kinematic true) A wall and a Floor with Box Collider and Rigidbody(Gravity false , Kinematic False) I am moving an object with hands movement. Translate object near and far using thumbstick, the problem is that when i move object far the object pass through the wall and floor. As you can see in the image below the object is passing through in the walls and the floor. Please help me and suggest a better solution. Thanks in advance.
2 Answers
I think you have one of your collider's Is Trigger
set to true.
If the collider on your object has the Is Trigger
property set to true then the collider will pass through other colliders but if it's not a trigger then it'll always collide with other non-trigger colliders. So as long as you have two non-trigger colliders they'll always collide no matter the rigid-body and if you need the Is Trigger
property set to true there's a workaround you can use two types of colliders on a single object one a trigger and another a non-trigger preferably a Mesh Collider (so the trigger collider will have space to be triggered).