I'm configuring an Apache Artemis message-broker. The broker will accept big files and downstream consumers access the topic to process the latest files. Now I'm wondering how to make the latest files available for dev-runs. Because the messages only arrive a few times a day, the test runs would need to access the last few sent messages and can't wait for the next.
For production and staging-systems, I found that durable subscriptions work fine. I've adapted an Apache Camel config to serve as an illustration. Here are two consumers that receive messages, each using a durable subscription:
<route id="inbox">
<from uri="file:inbox"/>
<to uri="activemq:topic:testing"/>
<route id="outbox-staging">
<from uri="activemq:topic:testing?clientId=staging&durableSubscriptionName=staging"/>
<to uri="file:outbox-staging"/>
<route id="outbox-production">
<from uri="activemq:topic:testing?clientId=production&durableSubscriptionName=production"/>
<to uri="file:outbox-production"/>
This is fine. If a consumer is offline it will pick up messages when it comes back online. Now if another consumer joins for testing;
<route id="outbox-testing" streamCache="true">
<from uri="activemq:topic:testing?clientId=my-local-consumer&durableSubscriptionName=my-local-consumer"/>
<to uri="file:outbox-local"/>
because the subscription didn't exist before, the consumer will have to wait for new messages. What I'm looking for is new subscribers to be immediately primed with the available messages. I found different names for the concept such as prefetchPolicy
, consumerWindowSize
, or "retroactive consumer". But it's unclear to me which terms apply to Apache Artemis and how to set them up because the examples mostly refer to Apache ActiveMQ.
How can a configure Artemis so that a consumer joining on a new subscription gets past messages?