All of my charts, regardless of type, have the popover/hover box with a dark grey (almost black) background with black text - making it almost impossible to read. The color segment of the chart appears in the hover box, but the text and labels are all in black.
How can I change the text color in the hover boxes? Is this a tooltip item or is it chart specific?
Here is a sample of one of my charts JS, can the hover box text color be set in options or do I need to find the setting in the CSS file - and if so, which setting is it? :
* Widget 5
var widget5Option = '3M';
// Main Chart
nv.addGraph(function ()
var chart = nv.models.multiBarChart()
color : ['#03a9f4', '#b3e5fc'],
margin : {
top : 48,
right : 16,
bottom: 16,
left : 32
clipEdge : true,
groupSpacing: 0.3,
reduceXTicks: false,
stacked : false,
duration : 250,
x : function (d)
return d.x;
y : function (d)
return d.y;
yTickFormat : function (d)
return d;
var chartd3 ='#widget5-main-chart svg')
var chartData;
$(window).bind('update:widget5', function ()
function initChart()
chartData = data.widget5.mainChart[widget5Option];
return chart;