I have a custom pricing WP page with pricing table. There I get 3 parameters, namely, $product_id, $quantity, $total_price. I've created the products as normal WC products, gave each an initial price, description...etc, and obtained the IDs.
Then parameters are sent via Ajax to a PHP function. This function:
function my_ajax_functions() {
check_ajax_referer( 'my_ajax_nonce', 'security' );
if('checkout' == esc_attr($_POST['required_action'])) {
$product = esc_attr($_POST['product_id']);
$qty = esc_attr($_POST['quantity']);
$price = ltrim(esc_attr($_POST['total_price']), '$');
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product, $qty);
$cart = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents();
foreach( $cart as $key => $value ) {
$value['data']->price = $price/$qty; // Set the per unit price, so, it match when cart sub total is calculated
The problem I'm facing is although, product is added, quantity is added, the cart insists on showing, calculating according to the initial product price.
Let's say product A has an initial price $15... In the pricing page, customer ordered let's say 5 units, accordingly the price is $75. If he adds a 6th unit, het gets 50% discount (only on additional unit, the whole units), so, price for 6 units becomes $82.5. This what the page send via Ajax:
- product_id = ID of product A (goes correctly)
- quantity = 6 (goes ok)
- total_price = $82.5 (here is the problem)
No matter what I do, the cart shows total = 6 x 15 = $90
What am I missing here??