
I have a canvas (technically a SkiaSharp SKXamlCanvas) that I need to host in a control that can get focus (for reasons I won't go into here). I added the canvas as a child to a class (call it ControlHost) derived from ContentControl and set the canvas as the Content. The ControlHost's GetFocus gets called when I open the app, but when I click on the ControlHost (which takes up the whole window), I get a LostFocus after releasing the mouse button.

I know things like TextBox keep focus after clicking on them with the mouse. Is there another control I can use that will keep focus and simply act as a container for my canvas? I've tried UserControl, Frame, Page, etc. Or maybe there are properties I can set on a ContentControl that will allow it to keep focus?

This can easily be reproduced by making a blank UWP app and adding the following control as a child to the grid of MainPage.

public class ContentControlTest : ContentControl
    public ContentControlTest()
        GotFocus += OnGotFocus;
        LostFocus += OnLostFocus;

    private void OnLostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    private void OnGotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

1 Answers


UWP control to keep focus after mouse click

It is by-desgin that ContentControl will lost focus when PointerReleased. The ContentControl inherit from Control. so it has Focus method, if you want to keep focus, you could try to call Focus method in OnLostFocus like following.

private void OnLostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)