I have written few c++ services which have the MQTT Client. Based on the message received on the MQTT topic the c++ service will take some actions like sending an MQTT message to another topic or saving the message to the database etc.
I have set up a few MQTT Brokers on Dockers and attached those MQTT Brokers to an HA Load balancer. All these MQTT Brokers also clustered.
So, if client 1 connected broker-1 ( through Load balancer ) can send message to client x connected broker -x. Due to the clustering of the MQTT Brokers.
So, How can I set the load balancer to my c++ services with HA or similar load balancers?
In the case of HTTP / REST APIs, the request will be transferred to only one web application at any point of time. But in case of MQTT, the message will be published, and If I run multiple c++ service of Same ABC then all the services will process that message. How I should make sure only one service will process the message. I want to establish High Availability for the C++ service