This horizontal timeline that I'm trying to achieve is using liquid syntax and slick js.
Here's my code to list out the timeline:
{% assign alltimeline = all_testimonials | articles_with_tag: "timeline" %}
{% assign alltimeline_sort = alltimeline | sort: 'sub_title' %}
<ul class="timeline d-flex flex-column">
{% for timeline in alltimeline_sort %}
{{ timeline.sub_title }} //year
{{ timeline.title }} //timeline title
{{ timeline.body }} //timeline body
{% endfor %}
However, this code will print out all item along with the year for each - something like this:
Title One
Timeline Description One
Title Two
Timeline Description Two
Title Three
Timeline Description Three
Title Four
Timeline Description Four
Title Five
Timeline Description Five
However, what I'm trying to achieve is to display the year first, and then the item that is tagged under that year - something like this:
Title One
Timeline Description One
Title Two
Timeline Description Two
Title Three
Timeline Description Three
Title Four
Timeline Description Four
Title Five
Timeline Description Five
Below is the image that I'm trying to achieve