
I am creating a custom component library that i want to share across multiple domains.


  • Each domain has its own instance of nuxt
  • Each domain has my-component-lib registered in package.json
  • Each domain registers the lib as a plugin

    import components from 'my-component-lib'
    import Vue from 'vue'
    export default ({ store }) => {
     Vue.use(components, { store: store })
    plugins: [
      /*Desired option 1*/ '@/plugins/my-component-lib',
      /*Currently using*/ { src: '@/plugins/my-component-lib', ssr: false }


  • Setup using vue-cli 3

  • The library is composed of basic html tags and CSS ex <input ></input>. The styling is important and i would like to keep it together with the component (extract:false) so i can pull individual components out and not worry about importing a css file.

    module.exports = {
     outputDir: 'dist',
     lintOnSave: false,
     css: {
      extract: false

setup for production using "production": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name sc components/index.js"


  1. Using the desired option, when i run nuxt npm run dev i get a document is not defined in function addStyle (obj /* StyleObjectPart */) {..} within sc.common.js
  2. Using the current option, i get a hydration error(The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content.) which is fixed if i wrap the components within <no-ssr> tags which i do not want to do.

I want to compile my component library to work with SSR and not have to import a large css file

How do you fixed the second problem? I am having the same issue.patrick
Changing the CSS prop fixed the issues for meJujubes
FYI If you are nesting html tags inside <p> tag throws that errorJujubes
Also make sure ur not using document or Windows until the component is mountedJujubes
I switched the css prop to true but i a still having the same issue. Are you using scss or sass in your project?patrick

1 Answers



 css: {
  extract: false

to true